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Checking Voicemail by calling into the PBX

2/19/2009 10:58 AM
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You can use Skype (a landline or cell/mobile phone must be configured by the admin of the PBX) to dial into the PBX call center.  By default you will be placed in the outgoing call mode for making outgoing calls. 

If you wish to check voicemail, or change your voicemail message, then enter *  1

There will be a pause of about 2 seconds, then you will hear the main IVR audio menu,  enter your extension number to access your mailbox.

The PBX has a voice menu to guide you through the process to check your voicemail or change your message.

1 NOTICE   It may be necessary to use the Skype Virtual Dialpad found on the Telephone Icon in Skype to enter numbers and symbols.  Not all dtmf tones can be generated by pressing the number pad on your computer keyboard.

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