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Quick Start Guide

3/11/2014 5:33 PM
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Please review the image below of a typical FRP setup.  Notice that there is only one instance of the management server installed,  only one management server can be installed. This is a requirement no matter how many servers you have and no matter where in the world they are located.  Note that the management server is only a configuration and reporting tool.  It plays no part in the actual transfer of data.  Replication occurs directly between servers in the same job not via any intermediary server.   As you can see below if you provide login accounts, it is possible to log into the management server from any web able device and view / configure servers and jobs in the management server.


Red lines = port 9100  Black lines = port 9200

Quick Start Guide - Overview

FRP servers have one of two roles, Replication Servers that perform replication and a Single Management Server that provides a GUI to configure Replication Servers, display brief job status, and summary log information for all servers located anywhere in the world.

The management console does not handle, route or process replication traffic,  it is only a configuration tool.   In fact you can install your management console as a stand alone item on a laptop or netbook and run all your jobs and servers around the world.  Jobs continue to run even when the management server is offline.   So long as any two replication servers have a job in common and are online they can and will run jobs despite the management server or any other combination of other servers being offline.

Should a replication server go offline,  it's jobs will pause until the server is seen online again.   At that time any servers it has jobs with will communicate, and compare any changes that may have happened while the server was offline.  Then only the changed bits of modified files or new files will be replicated to bring the jobs up to date.  At that point your normally scheduled jobs for the server that was offline will resume.

Installation Instructions


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