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File Deletion Protection

4/8/2015 10:48 AM
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File Deletion Protection is a setting that causes files deleted on a server to be renamed with an extension rather than being fully deleted.  This can protect against accidental deletions.  These files can be renamed to restore them at any time or later deleted by the administrator if not needed.

To set this option it is done on a server by server basis.  Every server that is to be protected must have this change made to it's  /FileReplicationPro/etc/ file.   Using a plain text editor find the line s2s.rename_on_delete=false  (false is default)   change it to =true  save the file and repeat the steps on each server that is to be protected.

How does this appear in the folder?   Assume a file named D5.tmp was deleted.  With the flag above set to true the file is renamed to D5.tmp.$FRPdeleted   FRP will not replicate any file with this extension,  it just remains where it is unless the extension is removed.

In case of the need to bulk rename files back to normal status,  we recommend the freeware tool Bulk Rename Utility

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