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Changing Replication 9200 to another port

12/2/2020 7:55 AM
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I want to run FRP replication on a different port instead of port 9200. How do I do this?





The change for the replication port (9200) has to be made on a server by server basis.  This is because FRP provides the possibility that each server can operate on a seperate port but share a common IP address.

To edit the replication port use the one and only FRP Management Console GUI found on Port 9100 of your only Mangement Server, to edit the settings of each server in the server list. So if all servers were to be changed to port 9500 for example you would click the radio button on the first server in the list, click edit and change to the new port in the box provided.  Then Save, return to the server list and proceed with each one until done.

Restart the FRPrep service on each server.

For details see the article: FRP Advanced Network Configuration 

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