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Two servers with same hostname or IP

2/25/2013 3:25 PM
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This advice concerning duplicate hostnames only applies to versions prior to Version 6.4.6 


I have two serves that share the same host name and or local IP address. FRP cannot distinguish between the two servers. There is one entry on the Server screen for both host names and as I refresh the screen the IP's jump back and forth between them.


This solution involves assigning a new unique host name for FRP to associate with the server's IP. This new host name is only used by FRP and does not affect any other network or operating system functions.

1. Stop all FRP services.
2. On all servers in the system, delete the file etc\configuration.xml.
3. Using a plain text editor like notpad, On both servers that share the same name, edit the file /FileReplicationPro/etc/     Find the line  s2s.tcp.exclude_ips= add any duplicate IPs and/or host names that you need to exclude.  Add them seperated by commas for instance,, mainserver,     Just be careful that if one of the servers depends on that local IP for NAT to not exclude it there but only on the other machine. The IPs or host names should be comma separated. These IPs or host names will be ignored by FRP's multi-cast process and locked out from use by FRP.
Change the following  s2s.enable_auto_discovery=true  to false.
Save the file.
4. On both servers that share the same name, edit the file etc\properties.xml. Change the value of  <hostname> to be whatever you want; just be sure that they are unique on each server. This name is used by frp to identify a server IP. This name you assign should show up in the server overview screen.
5. Save all files.
6. You must do all of the above steps on both servers with the same hostname.
7. Restart all services as appropriate for the role of the server, making sure that only one server in your group (The Management Server) is running the FRPHelp and FRPMgmt services.
8. Define your replication jobs.
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